This blog is where you'll come for updated information regarding our camp, along with stories and news related to our camp's activities and announcements. We hope you'll visit again. And if you read something interesting here, we love comments!




T-Shirt Design Winners!

Thank you to all of you who submitted your beautiful designs in this year's camp t-shirt design contest. We had so much fun reviewing them all. And now to announce the winners... Congratulations to Samantha Ohanian and Emma Ohanian! Samantha's sailboat design will be featured on the back of this year's shirt and Emma's cross will be featured on the front. We can't wait to see them in print!




What Children Learn from Overnight Camp

Our camp is a great place for children to learn how to do things on their own. Since parents are not there for them to depend on, our campers must learn to be more responsible, and learn several other things along the way. For example...

1. Children learn to work together. Like most good summer camps, our camp offers a community for children to join. This community is made up of other campers, counselors, staff, directing staff, and clergy. While away at camp, campers will learn to get along with each other, despite the fact that they may come from all different parts of the state or country. They may, for example, learn to work together to clean the cabin, win a camp competition, or work to help each other learn new skills.

2. They learn to slow down. Since our camp does not allow electronic devices, campers must learn to slow down and appreciate other types of worthy experiences. Living life in the slow lane for a week will allow for your camper to appreciate the beauty around him/her.

3. They learn to appreciate the small things. A week away from home, and all its comforts, may help your camper appreciate all that home offers – a warm bed, a refrigerator full of snacks, a bathroom of one’s own, television, etc. It may just convince your child that life at home isn't all that bad. It's also possible that camp can help your child appreciate that all he/she really needs to be happy is a warm place to sleep, healthy food, the company of a few good friends, and a caring adult to help guide him/her through life.

4. They learn new skills. Whether it's on the basketball court, learning to make a landyard, or attempting to make choreg for the first time, our camp will teach your child new skills. The experience could even lead him/her to find a new hobby or discover something new he/she is passionate about!

5. They learn to make new friends. It can be difficult for children to attend overnight camp for the first time or if they only know a couple people there. But our program will help campers find friends fast. And those friendships will last lifetimes. Just look at some of our staff! Camp offers campers the ability to branch out and make friends outside of their usual social circles and connect with others in a positive way.

6. They learn to appreciate their parents. By spending a week away from home, your child may learn to appreciate all it is that you do for him/her. The little extras that you do such as making his/her favorite dish, driving him/her to and from soccer practice, or even helping with homework may suddenly be appreciated.


Check out the rest of Jennifer O'Donnell's article at to learn more about what summer camp can do for your child. 


Benefits to Being a Camp Staff Member

There are so many benefits to being a camp staff member, as many of you know. 

Below are some of the following:


  • Make the week special for all campers
  • Make new friendships and spend time with old friends
  • Spend a week away from technology
  • Spend a week out in nature and enjoying our camp property
  • Learn more about your Armenian heritage
  • Experience and try new activities
  • Gain valuable leadership skills
  • Spend time in Christian fellowship


Feel free to post some more reasons that you can think of on our Facebook page!