This blog is where you'll come for updated information regarding our camp, along with stories and news related to our camp's activities and announcements. We hope you'll visit again. And if you read something interesting here, we love comments!




It's That Time of Year Again!

Hey Campers! Hey Staff! Hey Parents! 

It's that time of year again! It's time to pack up your sleeping bags and suitcases and head on up to camper hill to have a wonderful week. It's time to make new friends, hang out with old ones, spend time in a God's beautiful creation away from the hustle and bustle, and just have good old plain fun! It's time to sing songs, roast marshmallows, go canoeing and hiking, and even make some treasures to bring home too. It's time to learn about our Armenian culture and history through classes, dancing, cooking, and more. It's time for you to make a week's worth of memories that will last a lifetime. So are you ready to go? We know we are. Pack up your things and put a smile on your face because it's almost time for CAMP!!!


Staff Needed!


Have you signed up as a staff member yet? Even if you have, are you interested in going to two weeks of camp this year? Weeks 1 and 2 still need staff members!!! If you're interested, please sign up now or email to tell the committee you are interested in going two weeks. We need your help!



Family Day

Thank you to all of the families and friends of camp who made it up to Family Day this weekend. We had so much fun getting to show you all around camp and seeing all of your smiling faces, and we cannot wait until camp starts in July!