Getting to Camp
Camp begins on the bus! We will have bus transportation from Northern, Southern and Central California directly to our Camp in Dunlap, California. You should pack your child a lunch for the trip up to Camp and the Camp Committee will provide lunch for the return trip (there will be no lunch provided for the Central Valley bus). Bus departure locations are as follows: St. Mary - Costa Mesa, St. Leon - Burbank, St. Paul – Fresno, St. John - San Francisco.
It is important that you be at your respective drop-off location 1 hour before the scheduled departure time to make sure that we can properly organize, pack and board the bus. If you are late, the bus will leave without you and there are no refunds! The cost to ride the bus to camp is $85.00 for those coming from Northern or Southern California and Orange County. The cost for those taking the bus from Central California is $35.00.
From Costa Mesa:
Each week, the bus will leave on Sunday at 8:00am (drop-off by 7:00am) and will return that following Saturday at approximately 6:00pm.
From Northern and Southern California:
Each week, the bus will leave on Sunday at 9:00am (drop-off by 8:00am) and will return that following Saturday at approximately 5:00pm.
From Central California:
Each week, the bus will leave on Sunday at 12:00pm (drop-off by 11:00am) and will return that following Saturday at approximately 1:00pm.
Pick Up/Drop Off at Camp
If you are dropping off your child on the first day of camp, please do not arrive before 2:00pm. On the last day of Camp, campers will be dismissed by cabin, at 11:00am, once their cabin has passed inspection for cleanliness.
Driving Directions
Directions from the North:
As Highway 99 brings you to Fresno, look for exit signs to Kings Canyon National Park and Highway 180. Follow 180 east about 40-50 miles until you pass the 4000 ft. elevation sign and
Snowline Lodge. See "SNOWLINE LODGE" below.
Directions from the South:
Follow Highway 99 north. Near Visalia take Highway 198 through Visalia to Highway 63 (north) to Highway 180 (east). Pass the 4000 ft. elevation sign and Snowline Lodge.
Snowline Lodge:
About a mile past Snowline Lodge, there is a large brown road sign indicating "Armenian Church Camp", etc. followed by a set of mailboxes with our mailbox. Turn left and go up the hill. Follow our "Armenian Church Camp" signs into the camp, turning left at each "Y" in the road. It is approximately three miles to camp from the turnoff at Highway 180.