This blog is where you'll come for updated information regarding our camp, along with stories and news related to our camp's activities and announcements. We hope you'll visit again. And if you read something interesting here, we love comments!



Entries by Camp Admin (233)



Our Friday started with Divine/Badarak service. During morning classes kids got to learn about philanthropy and traditions and customs. On last day cooks  spoiled us with lahmajoon and kebob for dinner!  Later in afternoon kids could  choose in what kind of sports activities  they would like to perform in tournaments. Armenian dance is scheduled between 7 pm-8:30 pm.  Our last night finished with SUPER CAMPFIRE.







On Friday night, campers and staff got to perform in our talent show.  Cabin 12 sang us a song. Harout showed us his different impressions. Lora and Kristen did lip singing (I want it that way). Michael&Mathew showed us their piano skills. Christine and Erik sang us a beautiful song.  Luke made us laugh with his jokes.  Dean Eric and cabin 10 performed us a "My Girl" song. Hayk and Knar showed us grape eating contest.  Akaby and Knar made us all dance with their "hay jan hapama" song. Menas and Der Yegishe sang a song that Menas wrote himself. Armenian cooking was performed by Dean Erin and Regina. Campers are in high spirit,making  many new friends and cementing old ties.









May forest be with you DANCE NIGHT! 

Day number three had lots planned.  After morning classes, kids had Music/Singing classes taught by representatives from the diocese choir. LAHMAJOON! At Armenian cooking class, kids learned how to make lahmajoon and hospitality team taught how to pronounce each ingredient in Armenian and English.  Dunlapian games were scheduled between 2:30pm -5pm. Kids practiced their knowledge in arts&crafts, canoe challenge, and field games.  All birthday celebrations were scheduled in the evening, followed by a dance night with a DJ.  It was such a pleasure to see for all of us (staff members) how they are having a blast and bonding with each other.